The Assembly in Fredericton

Nine members formed the church when it first met on September 3, 1948. Isaac MacMullen, Willie Glascow, Bill McBride, and Clifford Haines had been sharing the gospel in the region for several years. Many of those in the newly formed church had been saved and baptized as a result. The Holy Spirit drew these nine people together with a promise made by the Lord Jesus Christ, recorded in Matthew 18:20. He said, For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. They met in an apartment at 334 Union Street.

The Fredericton Gospel Hall moved from Union Street to a rented building on Gibson Street before moving to its current location in 1963. Its current location is 109 McAdam Avenue, Fredericton, NB.

Since its beginning, the church has been active in sharing the gospel and has become larger as a result. Economic and scholastic factors have also influenced its population. Various leaders, teachers, and evangelists have been given by God to serve this church throughout its history.